Conference newsletter 29 May 2015

Last week we launched the Spirituality, Leadership and Management conference registration campaign in our newsletter. If you would like to extend our reach and spread the word, please inform your networks. They can sign up at this link to receive our conference campaign information.

This week we are introducing you to some of the people who are gathering into the conference’s early emergence, forming some of the foundations of its spirit.


Please meet Chris Tobin, Senior Man, Dharug Nation, who will welcome you onto his Country at the conference. It was my pleasure to meet Chris with other members of our event team at the Reconciliation Memorial Garden in Richmond last weekend. (In the photo: Mingo Mortimer, Chris Tobin, Susan Goff and Mark Spain)

Meeting Chris sets in place the ground on which our facilitation team will work with our Keynote Listener and each of you in full mutual recognition of the particular presence of Dharug Country at Wisemans Ferry.


Geoff Berry – Facilitator, the Programmed Strand
The Programmed Strand excites me because of the intention of spiritual leadership with a professional edge.”

Aladdin Jones – Facilitator, the Open Space Strand
“How do we enter into dialogue with each other? How do we have conversations, or not have conversations? Reflecting on Harrison Owen’s intentions [], what wants to emerge does emerge. This is exciting for me.”

Mark Spain – Facilitator, the Being In Nature Strand
“Processes like Peter Senge, Joe Jaworski , John Milton, Otto Scharmer’s theory U assist us when observing and noticing nature, to enable us to be present to what is actually happening, in a relaxed and open-hearted situation.

Riripeti Reedy – Facilitator Gone Fishing Strand
“The conference offers a different way to approach leadership; most leadership is distributive, it does not premise the broader spectrum of the self, each other and the environment. The Gone Fishing strand is an opportunity for participants to shape the space, to be ripples around what we are thinking.”

The conference is designed around four “strands”, each offering distinctive engagement resources to provoke your potential, step by step, as you walk your path through the retreat.

We have a planned Programmed Strand of five exploratory workshops to bring stability to the emergent design; we counterbalance this stability with an Open Space Strand to enable the full creativity of instantaneous collaborations to come into being. We have a partially programmed Being in Nature strand to provoke certain qualities of mindfulness within us, counterbalanced by totally unplanned professional development in Gone Fishing, where you have time out for healing and coaching. Each of the strands is a distinctive engagement resource interacting with the others, as you choose, to meet your potential. This schematic represents the design.


Please remember – the SLaM Conference Early Bird 30% discount prices will close on June 18. Click to register

In our next newsletter, we will introduce you to our Programmed Workshop Leaders and some of the early registrants, bringing their questions into the conference’s gaze.

Susan Goff, President, Spirituality, Leadership and Management

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