The briefing session

We held a briefing session on 28th July 2016 at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). About 15 people attended. The purpose was to begin a conversation about the concept of the Anthropocene Age. The role for SLaM in this conversation would be to provide a spiritual element to ideas about how culture could, and needs to, change.

Ken McLeod (from UTS) has suggested that up until now, discussion of the crisis of climate change has focused on technology, economics and politics. However, necessary as these activities are, the change that is needed is deeper; it is cultural. We have already wrought changes on our environment globally that will affect us for thousands of years. Without radical rethinking, our situation as a race is untenable.

We therefore need to look at four domains of cultural transformation:  (1) the rational (knowledge), (2) the instrumental (technology), (3) psyche (consciousness), and (4) mythos (symbolic, imagination). (I am selecting from the words that Ken used in his introductory paper; GM).

You can see already that the subject is about human values, about the way we see the world, and about our relationship to both the physical world and each other, individually and in community.

We invite you to read the paper “Preparing for the Anthropocene Transition” on our website, and think about what we should explore together as a group.

We are having internal conversations among the management committe and will be talking with the people who have expressed an interest in being involved following the briefing session. This activity will build over the coming weeks and months. We are happy to receive comments, and we can post articles on our page: “Articles and working papers“.

Membership: Yes, it is a new financial year and we ask for your support through membership. It is just $10 per year. You can join here, and pay by direct deposit or by using Paypal. If you have joined or renewed recently, you will have received a receipt from us. Thank you.

Live modestly. Enjoy.

Glenn Martin, Management Committee

SLaM briefing session

SLaM briefing session

Posted in Events, Thoughts and Reflections

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