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Event at UTS on “deep history”

The Anthropocene Transition Project at the University of Technology, Sydney is holding an event on Tuesday 25 October:Deep history, deep time and the age of humans“.

This event is part of its transdiscplinary inquiry forums.

There are two keynote speakers: Professor David Christian (Macquarie University) and Dr Anne Poelina (Managing Director of Madjulla Inc ).

Time: 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm     Venue: UTS Business School, Chau Auditorium (Building 08, Level 02 (street level) 14-28 Ultimo Rd, Haymarket NSW)

Free, but registration is required.

Link for more information and to register

Organised by Ken McLeod. Advertised here on SLaM website as part of our collaboration with the Anthropocene Transition Project.

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Redefining spirituality

We have started a new section on the website, for articles and working papers relevant to spirituality in leadership and management.

Check out the article by Glenn Martin called “What is spirituality in the context of leadership and management? And of nature?” on our Articles and Working Papers page.

Perhaps you would like to give air to an article you have written, and get feedback. Please write to us and let us know. Contact Susan Goff at

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News : August Conference is not proceeding

Sunday 5 July: We are not going to proceed with the conference in August. We did not receive sufficient Early Bird registrations to justify the risks involved in proceeding with the three-day event at Wisemans Retreat. There were also risks involved in proceeding with a one-day event, so we are stepping back and drawing breath.

We know that the concept of “Mind in the Matter” was appealing, and the format we planned out for the conference was exciting. We know that we had gathered together a wonderful group of people to facilitate the four strands of the conference and run the workshops. However, we needed to be sure before the end of June that we would have the numbers to make it viable, and that did not happen.

We are taking pause and rethinking how to proceed. We have a management committee meeting on 7 July and we will be discussing the matter then. We will report to you what we resolve.

Thanks for your understanding. We maintain the vision of an event that is fresh and vital, with the opportunity for personal inspiration and transformational development within the container of a mindful, inquisitive and appreciative group of fellow travellers on the spiritual road.

We are also proceeding with other activities. The next issue of the Journal of Spirituality, Leadership and Management will be released soon. And our next Cafe in Sydney is coming up on 25 July, featuring Anna Harper.

We also invite you to become a financial member of SLaM. It helps to keep us afloat, and it inspires us to keep going.

Susan Goff and Glenn Martin for the Management Committee

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Conference newsletter 29 May 2015

Last week we launched the Spirituality, Leadership and Management conference registration campaign in our newsletter. If you would like to extend our reach and spread the word, please inform your networks. They can sign up at this link to receive our conference campaign information.

This week we are introducing you to some of the people who are gathering into the conference’s early emergence, forming some of the foundations of its spirit.


Please meet Chris Tobin, Senior Man, Dharug Nation, who will welcome you onto his Country at the conference. It was my pleasure to meet Chris with other members of our event team at the Reconciliation Memorial Garden in Richmond last weekend. (In the photo: Mingo Mortimer, Chris Tobin, Susan Goff and Mark Spain)

Meeting Chris sets in place the ground on which our facilitation team will work with our Keynote Listener and each of you in full mutual recognition of the particular presence of Dharug Country at Wisemans Ferry.


Geoff Berry – Facilitator, the Programmed Strand
The Programmed Strand excites me because of the intention of spiritual leadership with a professional edge.”

Aladdin Jones – Facilitator, the Open Space Strand
“How do we enter into dialogue with each other? How do we have conversations, or not have conversations? Reflecting on Harrison Owen’s intentions [], what wants to emerge does emerge. This is exciting for me.”

Mark Spain – Facilitator, the Being In Nature Strand
“Processes like Peter Senge, Joe Jaworski , John Milton, Otto Scharmer’s theory U assist us when observing and noticing nature, to enable us to be present to what is actually happening, in a relaxed and open-hearted situation.

Riripeti Reedy – Facilitator Gone Fishing Strand
“The conference offers a different way to approach leadership; most leadership is distributive, it does not premise the broader spectrum of the self, each other and the environment. The Gone Fishing strand is an opportunity for participants to shape the space, to be ripples around what we are thinking.”

The conference is designed around four “strands”, each offering distinctive engagement resources to provoke your potential, step by step, as you walk your path through the retreat.

We have a planned Programmed Strand of five exploratory workshops to bring stability to the emergent design; we counterbalance this stability with an Open Space Strand to enable the full creativity of instantaneous collaborations to come into being. We have a partially programmed Being in Nature strand to provoke certain qualities of mindfulness within us, counterbalanced by totally unplanned professional development in Gone Fishing, where you have time out for healing and coaching. Each of the strands is a distinctive engagement resource interacting with the others, as you choose, to meet your potential. This schematic represents the design.


Please remember – the SLaM Conference Early Bird 30% discount prices will close on June 18. Click to register

In our next newsletter, we will introduce you to our Programmed Workshop Leaders and some of the early registrants, bringing their questions into the conference’s gaze.

Susan Goff, President, Spirituality, Leadership and Management

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The Making of Corporate Athlete

Recently, we came across a wonderful article titled <the Making of Corporate Athlete> written by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz.

We think it is worthy of sharing with you all,  as it not only provide practical tools assisting executives to better manage their energy to achieve sustained perk performance, but also encourage executives tap into their deepest values and connect with their highest purpose that provide them powerful resources of motivation, focus, determination and resilience.  Enjoy!

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Please take the survey

We are running a survey to find out the interests of the people who connect with us – you!

We want to know what interests you about spirituality, leadership and management and what activities you would like us to be initiating. Thank you to those who have responded already. We invite everyone to take a little time to respond.

Follow the link. 

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Is there space for spirituality in leadership?

On Saturday 19 October at The Hub, Robbie McPherson shared his experiences of running leadership development workshops. He has worked with senior executives in banks, the police service and other contexts where spirituality might not seem to have much chance of air. What he talked about was how he sought to bring the focus to meaning and purpose, moving beyond concerns of efficiency and effectiveness. Some of the development experiences included taking senior leaders into central Australia and spending time (precious time!) in the desert. For some of that time, the leaders are alone in the desert, in silence.

So one of the themes of Robbie’s talk was about the importance of slowing down and just being. Robbie was asked, “What is it that the leaders get from this experience? What do they bring back?” Robbie said there was no haste to reduce the experience to “outcomes”. The experience precipitated personal change. It was an organic process. It enabled people to take off masks. It enabled them to be authentic, to be unafraid to be authentic, and to trust in where it might lead.

This is a taste of the conversation with Robbie, facilitated by Claire Jankelson over a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon with around 30 people, many new, and some whose first encounter with Spirituality, Leadership and Management went right back to the first conference held at the University of Western Sydney in 1998. We invite you to add your comments to this post – those who were there, and others who would like to comment on this topic.

Cheers, Glenn Martin

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Feedback on the Symposium

We had a wonderful day at the symposium, with over 70 people attending. Thanks to all the presenters, facilitators and attendees, and to the staff of Zest at the Point Piper Royal Motor Yacht Club for their excellent service and lovely food. This page offers some reflections on the event – feedback from attendees, and photos (see below).

We also have a video report on the event. Click on the link to go to the Video report. (Thanks to Nathaniel Fay for filming. You can contact him at 0419694011 or )

Feedback from attendees

Here is some of the feedback we received from attendees at the end of the day. It gives you an idea of what a rich and rewarding day it was….

What were the main highlights that will stay with you?

• Unspoken words which need to be spoken

• Lively dialogue

• Lots of data & case histories to add to my thinking on collaboration

• Being in the company of inspirational leaders

• Inspiring examples of collaboration in practice


What are the 2 or 3 significant learnings for you from the day?

• Emotional connection clears energy and creates change

• Search for common ground that we can all agree on

• Understand each other deeply

• Open communication is critical for collaboration

• creating a space for opposite voices

• Never give up – phoenix rising from the ashes

• Awareness that vulnerability is at the core of connection and that this is recognised by more people than originally thought

• Importance of trust and communication


What action will you take in your life or work as a result of today?

• Keep doing what I’m doing

• Seek wider collaboration opportunities

• Think about where I could use more collaborative processes in my work

• Consider the multiple voices where I see conflict in meetings


Any other comments?

• Wonderful day, well organised, interesting presentations

• Great venue

• Very inspired by standard and value of event – beautiful, heartfelt, and quality people

• An excellent workshop with learnings for work and family life

• Lovely time out to dialogue with like-minded people of diverse life experiences

• Great! Let’s do it again

• Rich to the last drop.


Thanks to Kim Rudner for taking the photos at the symposium. You can contact Kim on 0435 622 042 or at



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Memberships for 2013-2014

You can join or renew your membership of Spirituality, Leadership and Management Inc now. The membership will be valid until the end of June 2014. You can apply for membership or renew your membership on the website, and use your credit card to pay. Membership is inexpensive, but it helps us to keep going.

If you are coming to the Symposium on 24 May, you can obtain the Member rate if you pay for 2013-2014 membership, and the membership will have already paid  for itself.

See the Membership page.

Regards, Glenn Martin, Treasurer



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Our new website address

You will notice we have a new website address – We have migrated from our previous site ( There is a redirection in place, so people who type in the old address will be redirected here.

We wanted a new look and we wanted people to be able to talk to us more easily. Hence we now have a “News & Forum” page where you can respond to articles with your comments. In time we will add to this site so that it becomes a rich resource. Please bear with us while we populate the website with existing content, such as articles from the earlier issues of the Journal of Spirituality, Leadership and Management.

We have  a new logo to go with our new look website. We hope you like the new incarnation.

Glenn Martin, Management Committee


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