Meetup event on 24 October with Tom Graves

We are running our first event using Meetup. Our speaker and conversationalist is Tom Graves.

Tom deals with the central questions that companies face: How do we create an enterprise that is sustainable and responsive into the future? How do we make sense of complexity and disruption? How do we design for change, rather than reacting to it?

This Meetup will explore the ideas of the ‘ecology of enterprise’ and the ‘enterprise as story’ as powerfully effective tools for sense making, decision-making, leadership and transformation in enterprise design. We will consider techniques for modelling the enterprise at every scale, from micro to macro systems, both within a particular organisational setting and within the micro human system and macro planetary system within which we are ultimately bound. We will contemplate how viewing the ‘ecology of enterprise’ and the ‘enterprise as story’ profoundly shifts our perspective of and relationship to core business purpose, systems, structures and governance.

This Meetup is part of a current conference and master class series. For more details please visit

TOM GRAVES (UK) – Tetradian Principal Consultant

Tom is known as a highly innovative thought leader on the futures of business.   With a keen eye for systems and structure, he has nearly 40 years experience in knowledge management, skills research, software development and the human side of complex systems. Quietly compassionate, he balances conceptual rigour and pragmatic realism with a deep awareness of human issues and human needs in the business environment. Tom is credited as one of the pioneer inventors of desktop publishing, and as an entrepreneur and manager is conversant with the practical issues in implementing new approaches and new business models into existing industries.

He is a prolific author, and experienced presenter on radio and television, at conferences and in workshops and seminars. Passionate about the process of empowerment and the role of intuition in organisations, he brings to his work an unusual skill in overview and synthesis, and in creating links across a widely diverse range of disciplines and professional domains.

Tom has a Master of Arts degree from London’s Royal College of Art, Bachelor of Arts (DipAD) Degree in Graphic Design from Middlesex Polytechnic, London, and Graduate Certificate in Strategic Foresight from Swinburne University, Melbourne, and has received and presented extensive training in personal development, neuro-linguistic programming and other psychology-oriented modalities.







This is a fortuitous event – Tom is in Sydney for the conference and master class series, and he was happy to share some time with SLaM. We are grateful for his offer and we would love you to join us for a great afternoon!

This is a Meetup event. You register at the Meetup website to let us know you are coming.
It will be held at the Stanton Library, 234 Miller St, North Sydney, starting 2:00 pm.

Here is the link to the Meetup page.

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